Budget 2025 Updates

Budget 2025 introduced many long-awaited measures. Here are some of the changes we found particularly notable. Gift and Inheritance Tax – Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT) The tax-free threshold amounts for gift tax and inheritance tax have increased for the first time...

Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant

Launched in 14 July 2022 and expanded on 1 May 2023, the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant is available to those who wish to refurbish a vacant or derelict house or building into their principal private residence, or a rental property. The amount of funds available...

MWM Advise Envipco on the acquisition of Sensibin

The MWM team were delighted to advise Envipco on their acquisition of Sensibin Limited.  Sensibin is a supplier of reverse vending machines (RVMs). The acquisition, will broaden Envipco’s product offering, advance Envipco’s positioning in the rapidly growing...